God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor 9:7). And it should make every Christian giver glad to know that our congregation makes good use of your gifts to God. We have a robust and vital mission here in Boston, reaching into the campuses, public spaces, and hearts of the people God has given us. Our church budget is transparent to the congregation and attended to faithfully by our Council.

How much should I give?

God’s Law (Lev. 27) once required a tithe (10%) of what He provided to His people. Freed from the Law by Jesus, Christians are eager to go beyond what the Law once required, and are also released from guilt and shame when they are unable to do this. A real 10% of all that comes into your hands is still a good place to start discernment, but please speak with the Pastor if you would like guidance on a giving plan that fits you and your family.

Ways To Give


Simply fill out the form here.

In Person

During the Offertory on Sunday morning, drop your gift in the plate as the ushers pass by.

Mail A Check

You or your bank can send a check made out to:
First Lutheran Church of Boston
299 Berkeley Street
Boston, MA 02116


If you'd like to give from stocks, bonds, etc., contact our Financial Secretary.


Including the congregation in your will or trust is a vital way to support the enduring work of the Church. Please consider this and contact the Pastor to begin the conversation.