Public transit
First Lutheran Church is within walking distance of two MBTA stations, one on the Green Line and the other on the Red Line. You can get here either way:
- Take the Green Line to Arlington Station, then walk north (against the direction of traffic) on Arlington Street. Turn left at Commonwealth Avenue and walk one block to Berkeley Street. Turn right and the church will be on your right.
- Take the Red Line to Charles/MGH Station and walk south (in the direction of traffic) on Charles Street. Turn right at Beacon Street and walk two blocks to Berkeley Street. Turn left and the church will be on your left.

- There is a small parking lot behind the church, accessible from both Berkeley Street and Arlington Street, which visitors are welcome to use when attending services.
- If the church lot is full, the Boston Commons Garage is a lovely ten-minute walk from FLC, through the Public Garden and down either Commonwealth Avenue or Marlborough Street.
- Both Commonwealth Avenue and Berkeley Street feature metered parking. Meters are free on Sundays!